49 2151 5840

Legal Notice

Krefelder Hof Hotel Operations GmbH

D-47800 Krefeld

Managing Director: Helmut Bobbe

Registry Court: Düsseldorf Local Court HRB 86942

VAT no.: DE 327074403



Tel.: + 49 (0) 2151/5840

Fax:  + 49 (0) 2151/584900

Unless otherwise stated, the image rights are held by Krefelder Hof Hotel Operations GmbH. Copying and unauthorised use, both commercial and non-commercial, without prior permission of the respective rights holder, is prohibited

Entity responsible for the content:

Name of the person responsible: Bart Vaessen

Name and address of the hotel:

Krefelder Hof Hotel Operations GmbH

c/o Krefelder Hof

Uerdinger Str. 245

47800 Krefeld

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